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Middle of July Fishing

>As I stated in my last post, we are expecting a quick turn around to the slower fishing seen last and this week due to a late May Fly hatch. Today, we saw one boat of three people keep 12 walleye, 2 perch and a pike in 3 hours of fishing. Another boat of 4 [...]

By |2009-07-16T19:38:00-06:00July 16th, 2009|Middle of July Fishing|0 Comments

Summer Fishing

>We have finally moved past the "slow-down" in fishing due to a late May Fly hatch. Most of the larvae is gone so the walleye must go back to looking for and chasing their food. During the May Fly hatch both pike and perch remained strong but walleye did fall off some. We are anticipating [...]

By |2009-07-15T15:01:00-06:00July 15th, 2009|Summer Fishing|0 Comments
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